What and Why: Adbusters

The point of an Adbusters Magazine cover is irony, to say one thing, but have imagery implying another.

For this design, I wanted to tackle an environmental issue that is very prevalent in today’s world.  Overfishing our fish populations, today the fish population can not repopulate as quickly as they are being caught. Therefore the fish population is low creating a riff in the ecosystem. 

For this magazine cover, I wanted to make people more aware of the overfishing taking place in our oceans. 

I used tuna for this cover since they are one of the most overfished species of fish.


 I wanted to emphasize the lack of fish by placing many fishing hooks but one lonely fish. Within the headers of the cover, I point out one reason fish populations are being affected, human consumption. 

My message seems happy and cheery while the image gives the viewer a more eerie feeling. Thus showing the irony that usually comes along with an Adbusters Magazine cover.