My name is Marisa Squire, I’m an artist from New York, who originally came to Rhode Island to study Marine Biology. Soon after, I decided to shift my degree to study Fine Arts. Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve always been interested in drawing, art and culture.

This drawing fascination soon graduated into different mediums like clay, photography, graphic design, etc. I am now graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelors of Fine Arts. 


In my senior year of college I interned at Hera Gallery and helped to create the 2022 URI senior show. I am now currently a student member at Hera Gallery and continue to be part of the community. 


My more recent work is exploring mark making, patterns and texture through drawing and sculpture. I also use Adobe Creative Cloud and drawing apps such as Sketchbook to develop my designs.


I hope to continue exploring mediums and techniques to create compelling pieces within my career.

I invite you to take a look at my pieces of work!